I offer for sale a genuine English 'Hounslow hanger' sword circa 1630, from a time when the Puritans were setting sail from the Solent to the New World, the Thirty Years War was still raging across Europe and King Charles I was on the throne of England.
The hilt consists of an iron, 'S' profile shell-guard of distinctive form, chiselled with floral borders and a lattice pattern within, encrusted with silver pellets. The chequered Ebony grip has an iron ferrule and pommel en-suite, but is lacking it's knuckle-guard which was most probably lost in combat almost 400 years ago.
The curved, 62 cm long blade has a wide central fuller and the remains of decoration thereon. There is some movement between blade and hilt as is to be expected with a piece as old as this.
This sword is a very rare survivor from four centuries ago, they are seldom offered for sale and can command prices well in excess of what I am asking for this sword.
English Hounslow Hanger" circa 1630